Thursday, March 19, 2009

Messy People

I think it's fair to say that I love messy people. Not that it's nice when things are TOO messy, but I find some comfort in stacks of books or a stack or two of mail. I find very neat people very UNsettling. It's not just that neat, neat people are so judgy. They are incredibly uptight. I would bet a fair portion of my paycheck that neat, neat people do not just roll with things. Everything has to be just so. And neat, neat people make incredibly annoying roommates. And no matter what it is, romantically, I tend to find the neat people. Such a disappointment. Maybe one day I will get my act together and be a neater person [but why]...the emptiness. Of course, there's quite a bit to be said for balance. But balance doesn't mean neat. Balance, really, is a little of both: a little messy...the splayed magazines, a few of the kids' toys, a woman's mussed up do. Messy people are realists who use their time constructively. Neat people, eh. Famous messy person [though she had maids], Anais Nin.


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