Saturday, March 31, 2007

tired, tired, tired

Little G fell asleep in the car today around 7:20p.m. on the way back from the grocery store. I guess the secret is to work him up as much as possible during the day time and then I have more quality time for myself. I did feel a bit crabby today so it was a low key day, just G and me. I had fun walking with him through the neighborhood. He would run ahead and then run right back to me.

We walked about half a mile, I believe. He complained that he was so exhausted that he was 'going to have a heart attack!' I should have never taught him that phrase. But I remain convinced, too much fast food could kill him. And nothing like a little drama to ensure the kid gets it.

I've been such a slug today. A went to DC but I didn't have the energy. Haven't wanted to do much of anything. I don't recall being this tired with the 1st pregnancy. There's no way in hell I could complete a 4-mile hike now. But the nice thing is, my weight has been manageable. Looks like OJ really was the main culprit in my 1st pregnancy weight gain. I'm actually underweight now (I should've gained more than 6 lbs) but I've been taking supplements to compensate.

A and I passed on the house. Convenience-wise, it would've been nice to have the house but I'm happier saving, especially with us both taking family leave. I didn't want to be stressed over the bills.

Easter's next week and I'm dreading it a bit. Desi's family is running the show. I hate when my family's not in control. My mom drove A nuts over Thanksgiving (half the food was cold by the time she stopped fussing) but normally, even if my mom runs late, normally it's good food and a good time. Desi's family, we're looking at buffet style, which I hate and El is sounding like she expects us to be there in the evening (dinner is at 1:00p.m.) for the Gonzalez bonfire. Why couldn't they live in VA?

And of course, the politics: nothing sends me further into the right then sitting with a bunch of lefties. I'm usually the minority, straight down the middle. Go, Joe Lieberman! And the current government trend, banning transfats and banning smoking really galls me. Let the people kill themselves. Anyone too stupid to not understand that you eat in moderation and smoking kills, I don't give a crap about. I'd rather spend my tax dollars on something more meaningful. Like green measures or something.

Gino will be having an Easter egg hunt for the kids in the evening. I may try to go, pending A. The dynamic with the ex has changed, though who knows how long it'll last. It's nice though: Gino actually offered that we try to have inclusive holidays. A wasn't too thrilled but I'm hoping this means my ex is understanding that it's better to be civil. I'll take whatever olive branches are offered. And it'd be nice to have the family in one room, at one time. But we'll see.

My main concern is that G treats his brother well and we're not getting into the half-brother garbage. G and Jack (60% prediction it's a boy) will be brothers. Pity the person that treats them as less. But so far, people have been decent.


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