Monday, December 25, 2006

Yule better

I thought about and avoided going to Midnight Mass because I wanted to get a decent amount of sleep. But of course, sleep isn't happening. I'm exhausted but apparently too exhausted to sleep well. I read about Matthew Diffee of the New Yorker. And I think, what a cool way to make a living. I wonder how much cartoonists get paid, when you're selling 26 drawings a year. Can't be all bad.

I do wish I was artistically inclined. I can paint a pretty picture with words, if I have to but I'd be lying if I said any attempts to draw were better than mediocre. I think Drue underestimates his talents. He can design, he can sing, his photography is decent and has promise and he can play piano and guitar. I'd be happy for any of those talents. Actually, I'd be happy for sinus meds right now -- I'm enjoying that pick axe to the brain feeling.

Nyquil (which I don't have) is mostly alcohol. And I heard that in casual remarks, a doctor recommended whiskey for when one is sick. So I wonder what healing properties the whiskey or hard liquor is supposed to have. Maybe the fact that you're conked out the remainder of the day.

This would happen when I'm hosting Christmas. And of course, it wouldn't occur to me to buy meds until the point when the stores are closed. Brilliant! I'm grateful that everyone is travelling here since I would cancel the Christmas visit if I had to drive anywhere. Seriously, I'm that...that non-functional.

A neighbor gift-wrapped her door. The shock I'll have if it's a guy that did it. But that doesn't seem like a guy thing to do. I always thought gift wrap on a door looked tacky but the neighbor's job isn't bad.

It's weird, it almost seemed more Christmasy in CA, if that makes any sense. I keep looking for snow here, even though I know it's not happening.


Blogger AGW said...

Wow, you've been busy -- writing. We are on the same page. It's 3 AM and I can't sleep, which is odd because I've been going to bed reasonably early due to the time shift.

I think you also underestimate your talents. You are a fabulous scribe and your intellectual prowess is top notch. What's not artistic about that? Some people would consider themselves blessed to be so inclined.

3:13 AM  

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