Thursday, June 21, 2007

Living with someone

How do married couples survive? How can harmony be maintained when one party leaves shavings in the sink and the other party is a hypocritical slob? My fantasy will always be separate domiciles because then, no muss no fuss. You don't have to compromise, you each get your own space. Not exactly cost-effective for the Washington DC area but it's a dream I have.

It's always interesting to see older couples. Some seem so devoted and some...well, it's entertaining to see what they may see about the other partner. I'm hoping A and I can have patience with each other and work towards compromise most, if not all the time. Patience is not one of my strengths.

With G, I work hard at it because I don't want to repeat my parents' mistakes (it is nice to let a kid be a kid) but I've had the days when you're cursing a blue streak. Toss in the partner and a new kid and you have a hell of a Watergate salad. MMmmm, yummy. I never could finish Watergate salad though.


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