Saturday, June 16, 2007

wedding expectations and the middle ground

He wants a small wedding as in just my family at the courthouse. I want a small wedding that includes select friends and family. Small to him: less than 10. Small to me: 40 (each side invites 20 folks, including family). We have less than 6 weeks to plan. :)

My 1st wedding was so large: 250 people. My sister says it was 300. It was crazy fun. My ex and I had a line of convertibles for the wedding party. It was a fun little caravan from St. Mary's church to Ft. Belvoir. Steve broke the horn on my ex's car (didn't know you could do that). I asked that kids come to the wedding (honestly, what's the point of a wedding, if you don't embrace family) and we had the most fun, watching the girls twirl around in their dresses (and those are my favorite pics from the wedding). After the reception, it was on to the cigar afterparty at Matt's house. My cousins and select friends went to Matt's and I ran through the grass in my ballerina style dress. Silly, crazy fun. The wedding started at 10:00a.m. and we didn't hit the Ritz Carlton until almost 10:00p.m. It was all about the party back then.

Now...I have the better man but I still want to celebrate a little. I want my godchildren to be there and I want my friends to share this moment with us. I suppose I should only need the fiance but it's not that simple to me. I always want more. He wants, I want. For better or worse...I always want to find that middle ground. Wherever that may be.


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