Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Life is funny

My mom makes me laugh. She likes expensive things on a Walmart budget. Nothing makes her happier than stories of you fighting your way through hoards of people at a Macy's sale to grab the last, pristine article at a clearance price. She wants to hear that you walked away with Franco Sarto after spending $15. Not likely, but that's what she likes to hear.

My ex, he was interesting. Money was no object if 1) it involved hospitality, 2) his pride or 3) both. I lived life well for awhile. Had a Volvo C70 before 30, while travellling to Europe for work and lived in a McMansion that fell shy of 6K square feet. Though I miss the house and the car, can't say I miss the ex too much. But it was nice for awhile.

Life has been good the past couple of years. After divorce, you're supposed to feel pinched, from lost income; my ex had been so tight with the money, I actually felt free, making the budget decisions for the first time in years. My credit's decent and while I spent more than I liked on lawyers, they were worth every penny and I've stayed solvent.

So it's funny to me when people want to fight over money. My counterpart is mad because the wedding price tag is mounting. I don't want to care about the price tage since 1) I have no plans to marry again after this and 2) I don't want to have regrets.

I'm 7 months pregnant, getting married. Where's the frikkin fun in that? My belly is hitting the floor and I can be a good sport about [haha] needing bumper beepers and stickers but it's not ok for me to want a ceremony and a dress. 2nd wife, 2nd time, what were the odds but I'm supposed to be content with a quiet courthouse wedding. Yeah, anyone but me.

Some friends I worked with liked telling me how difficult I am. Truthfully, it's almost a badge of honor. One guy gave me what should be my tomb inscription: I'm the 'worst' kind of woman. Because I think I'm low maintenance, but I'm not. I like attention. Frankly, I'm self sufficient [and I have no illusions about being low maintenance, since I'm very aware how little patience I have], I rarely ask anyone for anything. That makes me difficult, bully for me. I give what I get. Take it or leave it. Anyone can tell me I'm not good with money. But facts are, my ex tried to bankrupt me and while he may still be trying, I'm still here, credit intact. Anyone that wishes to call me irreponsible, let's see how they work their way out of $40K worth of bills and see how they're still standing.

Life is short. No one wishes that they could have deprived themselves more for bigger savings, on their death bed. And if my son or his sibling ever have the audacity to question how I spend my money, after putting them first, however old I am, I'll tan their hides. But life is funny, hearing the things that people say.


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