Friday, July 06, 2007


Wtf is wrong with my family, my mom specifically. My godmother is stateside for undisclosed medical problems and I haven't heard about it and my cousin's mom is in the hospital a 2nd time for heart trouble [since this past Christmas] and I have to hear about this from my cousin? Instead, my mom treats me to her irritation with Tivo, since my dad can't get it to work. This is like 2 years ago: my best friend from H.S. lost her dad and I don't hear a word until after the funeral. Thanks, thanks for thinking to tell me.

This is why I obsess over my mom's mental health. Isn't it normal to tell people when something is wrong? Isn't it normal to pass on news, whether it's good or bad? What the hell? I would be so crushed if Tita Dita dies before I see her. She asked me to visit and I haven't got around to it. She's in NY but it's not like it's that far away. The guilt, the frikkin' guilt that I'll feel. God willing, she'll pull through.

I know people don't live forever but I stil can't help feeling robbed when people go. All the things that you could've said or done differently. And the fact that my godmother is stateside -- that's huge news! She's a world away in the Philippines. Have to love being the last to know. Beautiful.


A moves in next week: is he ready? Am I ready? We've already established I will never meet his standards. I am comfortable with managed clutter [small, multiple piles of magazines, mail and whatnot] and I've gotten rid of 4 piles. Of course, now that I'm down to 2 piles, he visits and still sees a mess. Not a good sign by any means.

But we did have the best time 4th of July. Hit Old Town Manassas for the holiday festival and listened to rockabilly sounds of the Grandsons, saw Gov. Tim Kaine, watched G bob for apples and saw the most amazing fireworks I've ever seen. They outdid the Capitol Mall fireworks significantly [and I'm a huge DC snob when it comes to fireworks]. I should've remembered the Southern penchant for explosives. It was the most time that A, G and I have spent together and it was good, quality family time: .


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