Saturday, July 21, 2007

1st pregnancy

To say the 1st pregnancy was much easier is an understatement. I was 5 years younger. I was 30 lbs. heavier than I am now but I don't recall limping along, during daytime hours and I certainly don't recall the stomach cramping. My female doctor noted that my uterus is hanging out of my distended belly [what the hell?]. Ironically, my male doctors tend to be more emotive and inquisitive - do I have any questions, is there anything I need? I do like the female doctor but our visits are very cursory and she wouldn't even hazard a guess re: Jack's weight. My favorite male doctor was right on the money when he guessed, 5 years ago.

But the stomach cramping, thanks to my distended uterus, sucks. Any suck it up attitude I had toward pain seems to have disappeared once I ran the marathon [back in 2000]. Now, I can't handle a toe stub. A says he wants another one and in theory, it'd be nice but I don't know if I can handle it. I'm not sure how I'll make it through the next 2 months. And sensitive Paul, everyone's favorite Marine [may G never be one] likes teasing me tha I'm a fat cow. Yeah, I'm sure his wife will love that if they go that route. And he wonders why I won't go out of my way for him. A nice guy, at other times, but too coarse for me.


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