Thursday, August 30, 2007


Pregnancy, week 37. Mood, beyond crabby. Stuggling to be nice...impossible without Starbucks 1st thing. Dropped f-bomb in front of kid. Have done it before in traffic but it's been easier to brush off. Kid repeated it and I had to explain that he can't say that without getting in a whole lot of trouble. Niiice. Kid admonished me, 'Just say things are stupid, Mommy.'

Couldn't complain too much at work, though. Colleagues threw me a baby shower: very cool. Margie and Kim pull through again. There isn't a thing Margie hasn't done for me. Hand-sewn clothes for me, baked me mole. It's like I'm one of her own. I want to be Margie when I grow up. I can't sew though. Overall, we have more clothes for Jack and a month's worth of wipes/diapers and a first aid kit. We're decently prepared now.

But, still dealing with The Belly. Happy to feel the little one in there but wishing things were less awkward and ungainly. Even maternity clothes don't fit anymore as most feel snug or have started to slide down The Belly.

A's birthday this weekend. I want him to have a nice celebration, but I really, really want the baby to come too. Maybe after we celebrate his birthday early....

G's kinder orientation tomorrow. I wanted time to clean out the car. I've been saying for over a year that I'd clean out. A half hearted attempt and then the toys, candy bits are all over the place again. My Volvo never had a speck of food in it. I do need to be a person of more moderation, re: tidiness. Half the time, it's one extreme or the other. Wish I had cleaned the car. But it's late now. And I have dishes to take care of. And of course, this is when I have time to do things [hahaha]. Life! Gotta love it, I think. And I do. Just...a little help with The Belly?



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