Saturday, September 29, 2007

on kids

The baby pooped on me today. I was in a bit of shock. I had watched the baby poop three times, I was so sure I'd be in the clear to bring him, commando style to the bath. After 3 poops, there shouldn't have been anything left in reserve. But oh no. 1 step short of the stairs, the baby hits me in the hand and shirt with that yellow, runny poop. You gotta live for moments like these....

The husband thinks my older son stresses me but he has it backwards. Older son is a piece of cake. He's fun now. You talk to him and it's crazy cool to see the things that a 5-year-old can come up with. Plus he's potty trained [though nights are still hard] and can entertain himself in the mornings versus my nusing the baby, changing the baby and trying to time my shower between feedings, so I can feel human.

I shall always be curious to see how the two boys turn out. Older son does well in both reading and math, which is such a relief to his dad and me. He's a ham but he's bookish enough to listen to the teacher. Baby is too young to evaluate but my prediction is he's the serious one. He's not a contented baby the way his brother was and he is a lot more fitful. And it's interesting that he chooses to sleep with one eye open. One of the nurses said our baby had an old soul. Interesting, that.


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