Sunday, January 28, 2007


I am not one of those people that celebrates change. Change happens and that can be great. G grows bigger every day, emotionally, physically (I see the changes weekly)and those changes I do celebrate. But other changes, I struggle with the disruption.

Andreas and I have been talking about getting married within the next year and living together earlier and while it's nice, it scares me a bit. It's hard not to wonder if one of the secrets of our success is that we're not around each other 24/7. Even though we can hardly be accused of being on our best behavior all the weekends that we see each other (at times he's tired, I'm tired or we're both not feeling well and we're tired) but the fact remains, we both have a week to enjoy to ourselves ( I have my week to concentrate on G) and we have time to miss each other.

Living together, we won't have the chance to miss each other and each of our individual habits is more likely to irritate the other. And kids: that scares me no end. Will we still talk to each other as individuals and will we still nurture our relationship or will we drown in the various kid activities? I feel very strongly that you nurture kids, but you also nurture each other.

And my place: 1800 square feet doesn't seem like a lot. I only have 3 bedrooms: a guest room, G's room and the master bedroom. There's no room for an additional kid (never thought of it before). I told Andreas I'd rather have a larger, neutral house for us to move into. He wants 5 bedrooms (which makes sense but is hard to find). I'd like 4 with a den/office for him/us. We're limited where we can move, since I don't want G to switch school districts but Andreas gets to pick the house within the Manassas area (though he did say that I'd get some say). I'm hoping he likes lots of light. The condo he picked gets a lot of daylight (actually more than mine) and I'm hoping that's an indicator.

All these thoughts swirling in my head regarding the potential changes. Change can be good but it can be maddening!


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