Sunday, January 28, 2007


My ex is Rumplestilskin. He told me tonight that he plans to obtain custody of little G (how I'd love to know) and move back to Geneva. I met my ex in church. How the hell can you go wrong meeting someone in church? It seemed like such a safe move: churchgoer = someone devout. Someone devout=similar values. I submitted my ex to an interrogation and he passed with flying colors (he was patient with my questions, he never badmouthed his first wife which would've been understandable but would've raised flags). Instead, I should have questioned why he never badmouthed the first wife. Nope, instead, he saved all his anger to dump on me.

His first wife told him that they'd never have kids. How cruel, I said. Now, I understand why. My son's feelings mean nothing to my ex, from what I can tell. G hated soccer but Gino insisted that he liked it. Gino already plans for G to play football when G seems more cerebral.

My ex merely wants G to be a living breathing replica of him. My son is named Gino (what a mistake, but it means dearest one in Italian -- I checked -- and G is my dearest) but he looks very little like his dad. His temperament, his coloring, it's all from my side of the family.

So Gino assumes that he can take G from me and move to NY, where I wouldn't be able to visit. I admit, I think upstate NY (Geneva) sucks in a capital manner. Something is wrong in towns where you try economic redevelopment for 15+ years and not much happens. Kodak and Guardian Glass remain the top employers in the area. Yeah, I want G to grow up there.

Realistically, I can't imagine my ex retaining partial physical custody and moving to NY. I can't imagine a judge in the VA area who would endorse shuttling a kid across state lines on a monthly basis. To be safe, I'm contacting the lawyer tomorrow to confirm the actions I can take for full custody, if G's dad is stupid enough to move. But when Gino said what he did, I realized he's Rumplestiltskin.


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